9Mobile selects Tecnotree for carrier billing solution

9Mobile selects Tecnotree for carrier billing solution


BSS provider Tecnotree is to supply its Wholesale and Carrier Interconnect Billing System (WBS) to Nigeria's 9Mobile.

The deal, confirmed last week, will see 9Mobile use the system for managing carrier-to-carrier relations for revenue settlement. Among its features, this WBS is intended to help 9Mobile to simplify its partner ecosystem, including onboarding new partners and services.

Tecnotree CEO Padma Ravichander (pictured), said: “Tecnotree’s Wholesale Billing System will offer EMTS the flexibility and scalability to collaborate with CSPs for new revenue sharing capabilities. We will address current business issues such as revenue leakage, the disparity between settlement reports for different partners, lack of flexibility to adopt newer business processes and harmonize switching systems to incorporate all scenarios and events of the CSPs.”

 “With this, both EMTS, as well as its partner CSPs, will enjoy a seamless experience while bolstering their efficiency. Most importantly, since Tecnotree WBS is compatible with multiple and converged technologies, it avoids the need to deploy or invest in several systems or tools. This will further help in reducing CapEx and OpEx”, Ravichander added.

9Mobile is considered an Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services (EMTS) and counts around 13 million subscribers at present. it said it aims to boost its software and hardware capabilities while offering SaaS-based wholesale and carrier technology to enterprise customers in Nigeria and around.


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