CenturyLink Cloud ranked number 1 in Europe

CenturyLink Cloud ranked number 1 in Europe

CenturyLink has been ranked number 1 in Europe for price-performance, in a report by Cloud Spectator.

The Cloud Performance and Value Comparison report compared seven of the largest public cloud services providers with data centres in Europe. It examined the performance of vCPU, memory and block storage, as well as the value of the offering giving a CloudSpecs score created by a ratio between price and performance.  

Matt Leonard, CenturyLink product director for EMEA, said: “We are proud to be named the leading enterprise-focused IaaS provider for price-performance value in Europe. Businesses are increasingly adopting multiple cloud services spanning diverse private and hyperscale public cloud environments but need to select the most efficient products for their workload requirements or risk overspending.”

CenturyLink Cloud came out onto with the highest CloudSpecs score and was recognised as offering the highest overall value to customers, driven largely because of a combination of strong VM and storage performance and competitive pricing.

In second place was Google, followed by Rackspace, Microsoft Azure, Dimension Data, AWS and IBM SoftLayer.

“CenturyLink consistently scored highly across our metrics, achieving the highest CloudSpecs Score for overall price-performance value,” added Danny Gee, senior analyst at Cloud Spectator. “Performance is a critical and often overlooked component when making a cloud purchasing decision, but can have substantial impact on annual and ongoing operating costs. This report will assist a cloud purchasing decision by assessing cloud service providers and their price-performance value through a holistic, industry view.”

A recently report by CenturyLink, also found that reliability, security and quality of service are ranked as the top requirements when choosing network solution providers. Of those surveyed nearly half said they preferred purchasing networking solutions as part of a bundled offering, as opposed to a single solution. Additionally, 60% of respondents deploy Ethernet for either Carrier or Metro (46%) solutions, 55% said they are currently deploying MPLS solutions and 47 % of IT professionals named lower costs as the top reason for deploying SD-WAN.

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