Open Fiber rolls out €23m FTTH services in Modena

Open Fiber rolls out €23m FTTH services in Modena

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Open Fiber is to invest €23 million in the deployment of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) in the Italian Municipality of Modena.

In an agreement with the Municipality of Modena, the FTTH infrastructure to be supplied by Open Fiber will connect 66,000 premises with ultra-broadband.

Work on the build out of this new network is already underway with more than 5,000 premises in the districts of Buon Pastore and San Faustino already receiving speeds of 1Gbps.

“We are thinking about the current situation with increased needs for virtual connectivity, but we have already projected the near future when we will get out of this emergency condition,” said Gian Carlo Muzzarelli, mayor of Modena.

“We want our companies, large and small, which have had to stop operating, to be in the best condition to restart and gain competitiveness in the market.

“We want schools able to fully develop online teaching, we want society to be in a position to exploit these opportunities. Investments on digital highways represent one of the main axes of the Smart Plan strategy for our city, in line with European objectives for the sector."

Under the terms of the agreement, 40% of the fibre deployment will be carried out through the reuse of cable ducts and networks existing underground or aerial.

In addition, excavations will be carried out favouring innovative and low environmental impact methods.

"These weeks of lockdown have made it clear the need to equip cities and internal areas with high-performing ultra-broadband networks and the FTTH infrastructure that we are building in Modena fully responds to these needs,” said Marco Martucci, head of network & operations area North East, Open Fiber.

“The optical fibre enables the ability to simultaneously carry out excellent quality video conferences, to follow distance teaching programs without interruptions, to work in smart working managing to transfer large quantities of data. All this thanks to a very high browsing speed, a stable connection and a very low latency which avoids delays in data transmission.”

“Open Fiber's investment in Modena is very important, it is a fundamental work to support the productive fabric of this territory so central to the economy of the country."

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