NTT Com launches Hong Kong enterprise cloud marketplace

NTT Com launches Hong Kong enterprise cloud marketplace

NTT Com is setting up an enterprise cloud marketplace in Hong Kong, in association with Vantis Consulting and Microware.

Applications will be hosted on NTT Com’s dedicated and private enterprise cloud infrastructure, said the company. Applications will include enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, big data analytics and customer relationship management.

Theodoric Chan, chief commercial officer of NTT Com Asia, said: “Cloud is a powerful enabler to help enterprises re-invent the way they do business.”

Microware is one of the largest IT Infrastructure solutions services provider in Hong Kong. Roy Fung, director of its customer service group, said: “We have witnessed the fast growing trend of cloud and the benefits it brought to our clients in reducing total cost of ownership and increasing efficiency.”

Rocky Lam, business director of Vantis Consulting, said: “Enterprise cloud marketplace is an important step forward for enterprises who want the flexibility and agility cloud applications offered with proven stability and security.”

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