Orange France and SFR sued over 4G speeds

Orange France and SFR sued over 4G speeds

French consumer group UFC Que Choisir told reporters today that it had filed a legal complaint against mobile operators Orange France and SFR, over their 4G marketing claims.

Tests carried out by UFC on October 3-17 in Paris reportedly showed a discrepancy between the 4G coverage Orange and SFR claim to offer, and the actual access consumers receive.

A report from UFC following the tests said that Orange and SFR’s 4G networks were available in 79.3% and 74.6% of the capital, respectively, compared to their 100% promise.

Bouygues Telecom, France’s third-largest operator, is also part of the race to 4G in the country, and its 4G coverage in Paris came to 99.4% of a projected 100%.

Orange told reports that it was surprised at the report from UFC and claimed it was meeting its coverage commitments, as well as being the only operators to offer the maximum speed on its network.

In an emailed statement to Reuters, SFR explained the discrepancy by saying that it was aiming for 100% coverage by the year end.

Following a request from UFC, France’s telecoms regulator ARCEP has agreed to monitor the coverage and speed of the 4G networks, and tests on the ground are due to start in early 2014.

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