Austria sets budget for frequency auction

Austria sets budget for frequency auction

Austria has set a budget of €600 million in revenue from a radio frequency auction for operators to build superfast broadband networks, according to a senior government official.

Finance Minister Maria Fekter told a national newspaper that the €600 million had already been budgeted for, after the country’s infrastructure minister claimed the proceeds could aid housing funding.

“The sale proceeds are already planned in the budget at €600 million. She (infrastructure minister Doris Bures) will have to come up with the €600 million somewhere else.”

The Austrian Telecom Control Commission was aiming to raise at least €526 million from an auction in September.

Austria is one of Europe’s most competitive markets, with operators lowering prices for mobile packages in recent years.

Hutchison Whampoa, now Austria’s third largest player bought out Orange Austria at the start of this year to increase competition with Telekom Austria and T-Mobile.

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