Up to half a gig at $500 a month, says Starlink about Premium service

Up to half a gig at $500 a month, says Starlink about Premium service

Starlink Premium antenna.jpg

SpaceX’s Starlink satellite service is offering a faster service, at 150-500Mbps, with deliveries starting in the second quarter of this year.

The cost of the new service, says Starlink, is US$500 a month, a price that’s likely to put it firmly into the enterprise market. Users also have to pay $2,500 for the equipment, including hardware, which is delivered by FedEx.

The regular Starlink kit costs $499 for the kit and then $99 a month for the service. Measurements by Ookla last year found users in western Europe getting download speeds of 95-110Mbps.

The company, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Elon Musk’s SpaceX, said: “Starlink Premium users can expect download speeds of 150-500Mbps and latency of 20-40ms, enabling high throughput connectivity for small offices, storefronts and super users across the globe.”

As with the standard service, “there are no long-term contracts, no data caps, and no exclusivity requirements”, said the company. The Premium service uses a larger antenna than the standard offer, something that it says “helps ensure bandwidth for critical operations even during times of peak network usage”.

The company sells direct to end users, without going through local telcos or other dealers. Customers need to buy all the accessories to complete installation, including wall or roof mounts or poles up to 2.3m high.

The company warns: “Your Starlink needs a clear view of the sky so it can stay connected with satellites as they move overhead. Objects that obstruct the connection between your Starlink [antenna] and the satellite, such as a tree branch, pole, or roof, will cause service interruptions.”

The company is also taking bulk orders, saying to customers: “Manage all of your service locations, no matter how remote, from a single account.”

The company promises “unlimited service locations”. However, the company rejected a trial order by Capacity using a location in south-east London. “Starlink Premium is not yet available in your area. Please check back for future availability in your area,” said the system – even though the company promises its service to “super users across the globe”.



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