The company was created to meet the ever growing demands of the Pakistan market, and aims to nurture domestic, regional and global collaboration.
The IPL network operates in over 120 cities in Pakistan spanning a total of 12,000 kms and encompasses everything from corporate hubs, regional markets and a wide range of niche segments. The company has a number of global Points of Presence (PoPs) in Karachi, Singapore and London enabling international carriers the ability to roll out network interconnects.
In addition, IPL offers a number of services including giving its partners, carriers and enterprise customers the ability to acquire IP, IP Transit, domestic & International leased and MPLS connectivity along with cloud, managed and virtualization services.
IPL has said that is has a dedicated division for special projects which partners with local and international clients to manage large sized telecom infrastructure projects taking the responsibility of engaging the backend suppliers, vendors and sub-contractors.
The company has said that the new network will be headed by the core team of highly skilled, professionals and that it is on course for becoming one of the largest networks in Pakistan.