DE-CIX New York reaches data traffic milestone

DE-CIX New York reaches data traffic milestone

Ed d'Agostino - DE-CIX 16.9.jpg

DE-CIX New York has announced it is now consistently exceeding one terabit per second (Tbps) peak internet traffic across its NY/NJ internet exchange platform.

DE-CIX New York currently provides access to more than 250 networks and is currently interconnected with three other DE-CIX IXs across North America – Chicago, Dallas and Richmond, with Phoenix being ready for service by the end of Q1, 2022.

Ed d’Agostino, VP and general manager of DE-CIX North America said: “Neutrality and an open access model is a key contributor to our success, not just in New York but globally.

“By partnering with data centre and transport network operators, not only are we able to extend access to our platform – now having the most points of presence of any IX throughout the greater New York/New Jersey markets – but also regional networks can readily connect.”

The announcement comes after the carrier announced its 2021 traffic results, reporting 38 exabytes of data were exchanged across the global DE-CIX Internet Exchanges last year.

This, it says, is the equivalent to the storage capacity of more than 300 million smartphones, each with 128GB memory.

DE-CIX also announced it will be working with Indian carrier-neutral network infrastructure platform Lightstorm to connect to the DE-CIX platform.

The new connectivity will enable Lightstorm to reduce latency for its customers, improve network resilience and deliver an optimised content experience to its users.

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