IPv6 Enhanced Innovation Helps Connectivity Extend to Network Boundary

IPv6 Enhanced Innovation Helps Connectivity Extend to Network Boundary


As digitalization progresses, new technologies and new scenarios — such as 5G, cloud computing, IoT, and industrial Internet — are booming, and network connectivity has never been so important.

Connectivity is the foundation of digitalization, with networks connecting to clouds, enterprises, and homes. For clouds, connectivity is extending from single cloud to multiple clouds. For enterprises, it is extending from each industrial campus to each industrial node. For homes, it is extending from each home to each room.

In the digital era, IPv6 is required for connections between people, between people and things, and between things. It solves basic problems such as insufficient IPv4 addresses and meets the fundamental requirements of Internet of everything, with one IP address available for each thing, significantly simplifying the network structure and improving data transmission efficiency. Such a network technology is bound to be able to synergize with other digital technologies and greatly boost the digital and intelligent development of the industry. In light of this, IPv6 needs to be enhanced and innovated — instead of being only a network protocol.

As a working group under ETSI, IPE is committed to IPv6 technology innovations, striving to build a solid foundation for digital connectivity based on IPv6 enhanced innovations, and ultimately boost the digital economy.

Recently, ETSI successfully held the webinar "IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-Only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era". This webinar staged the release of the first ETSI IPv6 Enhanced Innovation (IPE) report ETSI GR IPE 001 “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: Gap Analysis”. Jointly compiled by 15 world-leading IPv6 industry experts, this report analyses the gaps in IPv6-related new use cases and services, and recommends new features of IPv6 enhanced innovations, paving the way for a consensus to be reached among global IP industry players.

Press report:


As one of the founding members of ETSI IPE, Huawei builds an intelligent cloud-network solution that aligns with IPE to provide end-to-end basic network capabilities, injecting new momentum into the digital transformation of industries. To date, Huawei has cooperated with global operators to carry out more than 100 joint cloud-network innovations and commercial projects to serve digitalization scenarios, covering government, healthcare, education, finance, mining, port, steel, and electric power industries. In the future, Huawei will continue to innovate with IPE as the foundation, improve the capabilities of its intelligent cloud-network solution, explore the business value of connectivity for operators, and accelerate the digital transformation of industries.

The full report is here.

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