Deutsche Telekom rolls out 5G campus network at Berlin’s Future Factory Hub

Deutsche Telekom rolls out 5G campus network at Berlin’s Future Factory Hub

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Deutsche Telekom has announced that it is building a 5G campus network at the Future Factory Hub, a research campus being constructed at the Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science in Siemensstadt, western Berlin.

At the hub, industry, research institutions such as TU Berlin and Fraunhofer, SMEs and start-ups are working on practical solutions for companies. Deutsche Telekom is building its campus network in a 5G thematic area of the site, where applications relating to logistics for autonomous production are being researched and tested as part of a project funded by the Berlin Senate.

The aim is to inspire industrial innovation, with technologies based on 5G and edge to be integrated into companies’ production practices.

Deutsche Telekom has already been building campus networks for companies – a concept that involves the construction of exclusive mobile networks for a local campus, university or individual buildings, and that helps control networked machines, robots and autonomous vehicles.

“We are pleased to be able to support research and development of innovative industrial solutions based on ultra-fast mobile communications and edge computing,” said Lutz Schneider, who is responsible for autonomous logistics at T-Systems. “We are interested in making these modern technologies practically usable for companies, for example to speed up internal logistical processes in production.”

Customers can also use the cloud computing service of T-Systems known as EdgAir if required, enabling on-site data processing and analysis in the customer’s IT environment. This helps eliminate latency for transferring data to a central cloud, aiding technologies such as edge analytics, local artificial intelligence, and augmented and virtual reality.




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