Rogers is top for 5G in Canada, says Opensignal survey

Rogers is top for 5G in Canada, says Opensignal survey


Rogers comes out top in a survey of Canada’s 5G experience, but Telus users have the best mobile video experience.

Research company Opensignal says Rogers is ahead of the pack in the 5G race, where it competes with Bell Canada and Telus.

Opensignal, which gathers its data automatically from mobile devices, says: “Our users on Rogers saw greater 5G availability and 5G reach than in our last report in April. As a result, Rogers wins both the 5G availability and 5G reach awards.”

The 5G availability parameter shows the proportion of time that 5G users have an active 5G connection, says the company, while 5G reach represents the proportion of locations a 5G user visits that have a 5G signal.

In the last report from Opensignal, Rogers tied with Bell in the 5g games experience award and with Telus for the 5G voice app experience award, says Opensignal. “However, this time Rogers is the sole winner of both these awards and is now the only operator to place in the excellent rating bracket for 5G games experience with a score of 86.2 points.”

Speed is different, though. Bell and Telus users, on average, enjoy the fastest 5G download speeds in Canada, says the report.

Bell users found 5G download speeds of 174.8Mbps; Telus measured 168.4 Mbps; Rogers got 111.6Mbps.

Telus was top in video experience, said Opensignal in a separate report, which covered all mobile generations. It scored 72.7 points out of 100, followed by Bell and Rogers with scores of 71 and 68.5 respectively.

Bell replaced Telus as a joint winner in a narrowly run race for the 4G availability. Last time, Rogers and Telus shared the top spot.

Last monthCanada closed its spectrum auction for the 3500MHz band, raising C$8.9 billion (US$7.2 billion), 80% of which came from its three biggest telcos. Preliminary data showed that Bell Canada spent C$2.1 billion, Rogers $3.3 billion and Telus $1.95 billion.


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