Bluebird lights "information superhighway" across Missouri

Bluebird lights "information superhighway" across Missouri


Bluebird is now providing 400 Gbps services across Missouri after lighting a new, 300-mile circuit.

The addition of 400Gbps fibre service across Missouri means another 9,000 new on-net and near-net buildings and towers are now able to access the company’s fibre network. Bluebird said the new build creates a "high-speed information superhighway" across the state and that 74,000 buildings can now access its services.

“Bluebird has always created unique routes helping us stand out and offer diversity from larger incumbent companies,” says Doug Zerr, VP of engineering for Bluebird Network. “With this new circuit crossing through Missouri, we now have more places we can build out to at a much more affordable rate. This is going to give us a competitive edge like we’ve never had before.”

The new 300-mile circuit connects St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, via Warrensburg, Sedalia and Columbia, allowing Bluebird to provide network speeds four-times that of their previous offering.

Bluebird operates 10,000 miles of fibre and two data centres.


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