Nuage, Versa and Infovista named MEF 3.0 SD-WAN vendors

Nuage, Versa and Infovista named MEF 3.0 SD-WAN vendors

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MEF has announced that Nokia’s Nuage Networks, Versa Networks and Infovista have become the first vendors certified to support MEF 3.0 SD-WAN services.

“SD-WAN is gaining incredible excitement and momentum for empowering digital transformation,” said Nan Chen (pictured), president of MEF. “We congratulate Nuage Networks, Versa Networks, and Infovista for achieving MEF 3.0 certification and demonstrating that they are a standards-based partner for service providers developing SD-WAN services. We look forward to continued momentum with the MEF 3.0 SD-WAN certification program, including the announcement of our first group of certified service providers later this quarter.”

The certification verifies that each vendor conforms to MEF’s SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services (MEF 7.0) global standard. In order to meet this standard, the MEF 3.0 SD-WAN certification tests the service attributes and requirements defined in MEF 70 as well as those described in the upcoming MEF SD-WAN Certification Test Requirements (MEF 90) standard.

“The availability of the MEF 3.0 SD-WAN technology vendor certification is an important step in providing enterprises an industry benchmark for vendor selection and Nuage Networks from Nokia is proud to demonstrate its SD-WAN market leadership as a member of the first group to achieve this certification milestone,” added Sunil Khandekar, head of Nuage Networks from Nokia.

Announced back in August 2019, the SD-WAN service standardisation, MEF 70, was carried out within the MEF 3.0 Global Services Framework, which forms part of initiative to define, deliver and certify a suite of carrier Ethernet, optical transport, IP, SD-WAN and security services orchestrated across automated networks using Lifecycle Service Orchestration (LSO) APIs.

“Infovista is proud to have successfully completed the MEF 3.0 SD-WAN certification,” said Mike Wilkinson, CPO, Infovista. “We view our MEF 3.0 certification as a key milestone in addressing the requirements of both service providers and enterprises. We believe that it will help SD-WAN users in selecting a vendor that is committed to a market model that provides service consistency and interoperability.”

In November, Capacity spoke to Nan Chen about the new MEF 70 standard as well as this newly announced SD-WAN Certification program that he described as a “a valuable reference baseline for users choosing a service provider”.

“We congratulate MEF in taking a leadership role and are pleased to demonstrate our commitment to the standards by achieving MEF 3.0 SD-WAN certification,” continued Kumar Mehta, co-founder and CDO, Versa Networks.

MEF worked alongside Spirent Communications as its MEF 3.0 SD-WAN Authorised Certification and Test Partner (ACTP) in approving the aforementioned vendors.

“Spirent is pleased to introduce the first SD-WAN technology certifications. Nuage Networks, Versa Networks, and Infovista have played a major role in refining the SD-WAN Certification Program, paving the way to the pilot services certifications already underway,” commented Marc Cohn, head of virtualisation at Spirent and a member of the MEF Certification Committee.

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