Getting Ready for the Digital Age

Getting Ready for the Digital Age

George Nikoloudis - Profile Pic.jpg

The 4th Industrial Revolution is here to make the boundaries between the natural, biological and digital world inconspicuous but promising at the same time to improve the quality of life around the world.

For businesses, current networking infrastructure presents the opportunity for global presence at low operating costs. Cloud providers such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are responsible for almost three quarters of the total international traffic growth worldwide.

The international telecommunications industry is once again at the center of developments with the emergence of new technologies such as Cloud as a service, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine to Machine communication, 5G deployment, etc. To succeed however in this new global environment telecom operators need to change their culture and their traditional way of functioning and move forward to support the digital transformation.

OTEGLOBE: Building on innovation, cost optimization and new partnerships

OTEGLOBE as the leading provider of international wholesale voice and data services in Southeastern Europe has already devised its plan to address the ever-increasing challenges of the digital age.

During the last 3 years the company has expanded and redesigned its international backbone network, extending from Greece to Western Europe, by leasing new fiber-optic routes across Europe reaching a total length of more than 21,000 kilometers. It is one of the first and widest Pan-European multi-terabit transport networks designed with ITU-T Flexible Grid Channel Plan, which is optimized for long-haul transport in terms of capacity and reach.

OTEGLOBE offers connectivity to the major cloud providers through its presence in the major datacenters in Europe, namely InterXion and Equinix and enables dedicated connectivity to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) via Google Cloud’s Partner Interconnect (GCI Partner) program.

OTEGLOBE has partnered with 18 international telecommunications providers to build and operate the Asia Africa Europe -1 (AAE-1) submarine system that connects major Data Centers in 3 continents: Asia (incl. Middle East), Africa and Europe. This state-of-the-art cable, with a total length of 25,000 km and a capacity of more than 40 Terabit, arrives in Greece at OTEGLOBE’s International Cable Landing Station (CLS) at Chania, making it its first point of entry in Europe. With the arrival of AAE-1 in Greece and its interconnection with OTEGLOBE’s unique and fully upgraded backbone network, an important part of the high-speed telecommunication traffic stemming from growing markets of the East, such as China and India is now passing through Greece to reach anywhere in Europe. OTEGLOBE can provide reliable interconnection from Athens though the AAE-1 cable to Singapore with roundtrip latency of around 120 milliseconds, thus offering the best latency route from Europe to Singapore.

Moreover as the leading Greek landing partner, OTEGLOBE can provide landing station facilities with a fast, diverse and financially attractive extension to Europe to new private or consortium subsea cables, emerging as an alternative and resilient hub in the Mediterranean basin.

As part of its voice business, OTEGLOBE operates a carrier class 4 Voice network that carries more than 6 billion minutes running over IP. Till now it has migrated the majority of its traffic over IP interconnections fully adhering to IPX requirements. As part of its digital transformation plan the company already started the implementation of the next major transition in its voice network platform which involves the migration of key Voice Network Elements to NFV. The company’s strategy is to move gradually more network elements to NFV in the near future to benefit from the cost elasticity, flexibility and redundancy that such a solution provides. 

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