Global cloud market grew 40% in Q3, according to Synergy Research

Global cloud market grew 40% in Q3, according to Synergy Research

The global cloud market continues to see massive growth, with quarterly cloud infrastructure service revenues up 40% per year to $12 billion, according to figures from Synergy Research.

The market, which includes infrastructure-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, and hosted private cloud services, is growing in every region of the world, with the major players active in almost all major markets with the exception of China.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) continued to not only lead the market but also increase its share during the quarter. Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba are also growing revenues and continue to gain market share, but AWS remains bigger than its next five largest competitors combined.

IBM maintained its position as the third largest cloud provider in the market thanks primarily to its strong leadership in hosted private cloud services, Synergy said. Rounding out the top eight cloud providers, Oracle continued to grow strongly, while Salesforce and Rackspace maintained strong positions in specific niche segments of the market.

“While we forecast 40% growth in the total market for 2017, there’s still something a little shocking about seeing a business unit the size of AWS consistently growing its revenues by over 40%,” said John Dinsdale, a chief analyst and research director at Synergy Research Group. 

“Microsoft and Google too deserve plaudits for the growth rates they are achieving, while IBM is gaining market share in its sweet spot of hosted private cloud services. It is becoming increasingly difficult for cloud providers outside of the leading pack to make an impression on the market share rankings.”

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