Cyxtera launches new threat analytics services

Cyxtera launches new threat analytics services

Cyxtera Technologies has launched a new suite of strategic threat analytics services.

The Cyxtera Threat Analytics Services (C-TAS), are designed to help enterprises, service providers and public-sector organizations better predict, detect and prevent cyber attacks. 

Commenting on the launch, Christopher Day, chief cyber security officer at Cyxtera, said: "Threat Analytics Services will serve as an integration and innovation centre within Cyxtera working to serve our customers with a focused and tested solution set that overcomes today's frequent integration issues with cyber security technologies, while helping our company keep ahead of the accelerating demands of emerging technologies and the threats and opportunities they present. We also look forward to working with our customers to leverage new-generation machine learning solutions such as our own Brainspace platform as well as other novel data sources for cyber security purposes."

The new services offer a range of offensive and defensive threat analytics, consulting and response services, using the company's own suite of network and communication solutions as well as tools from across the industry.

The specific services on offer from the offering include:

Data-driven services that comprise Analytics-as-a-Service and Hunting-as-a-Service. It also offers a range of infrastructure services which include control-plane services such as domain name service recursive lookup servers and managed border gateway protocol configurations. And lastly it has a host of advisory services such as advanced incident response and cyber compliance. 

"Chris and his team have deep expertise and proven experience on the front lines of today's cyber security landscape, at a time at which protecting our enterprises and public-sector organizations from internal and external threats has never been more important," added Manuel Medina, chief executive officer of Cyxtera. "Our customers are looking for a trusted advisor in this area, and we're delighted to be able to offer an uncommon collection of skills, technologies and capabilities in order to better protect their mission-critical business systems and applications."

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