Seaborn Networks launches low latency service for Seabras-1

Seaborn Networks launches low latency service for Seabras-1

Seaborn Networks has announced what it claims is the lowest latency point-to-point solution between New Jersey in the US and São Paulo, Brazil.

SeaSpeed offers a multi-millisecond step-change in low latency offerings for the US-Brazil route, running along Seaborn’s Seabras-1 cable.

Seabras-1 is set to go live in June 2017. It is a 32Tbps system, landing in Fortaleza, which was built by Alcatel Lucent. The cable lay will commence in Q1 2017.

For the development, Seaborn secured more than $500 million of funding in 2015, on top of more than $20 million for research and development.

SeaSpeed will also include circuits that can be activated within a few days and direct communications for customers with Seaborn.

"Seabras-1 was already expected to offer improved latency over the multi-point solutions that currently exist on this route," said Paul Creelman, business development director and head of low latency sales at Seaborn Networks. "However, SeaSpeed is an enhanced, proprietary end-to-end solution that offers the fastest path."

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