MEF publishes Carrier Ethernet and NFV white paper to encourage Third Network usage

MEF publishes Carrier Ethernet and NFV white paper to encourage Third Network usage

MEF has released a new white paper as part of its initiative to speed up the introduction of Third Network services.

MEF has released a new white paper, Carrier Ethernet and NFV, as part of its broad range of initiatives to accelerate the introduction of Third Network services.

The paper explores options for introducing and implementing virtual network functions and services onto foundational CE 2.0 (Carrier Ethernet 2.0) connectivity services. The paper is available for download from the MEF website here.

The paper, which is part of a series of MEF initiatives, examines use cases for different delivery models (centralized, decentralized, and distributed) for virtual network functions and services remotely within the service provider’s network, at the customer premises or a combination of thereof.

The paper also discusses approaches and trade-offs for service demarcation equipment at the customer premises for different network functions and services - for example, Network Interface Devices (NIDs) with no functions virtualized, Virtual CPEs (vCPE) with all functions virtualized, or hybrid implementations.

“Service providers worldwide are seeking more agile service deployment models to address end-user interest in highly flexible, on-demand services,” said Anthony Peres, editor and co-author of the Carrier Ethernet and NFV paper and Marketing Director, IP Routing, Nokia. “The white paper shows how service providers who currently offer CE 2.0 services can benefit from the adoption of NFV to offer innovative virtualized network services, resulting in new, differentiated service offerings and revenue opportunities.”

“This new MEF paper defines terminology, describes popular use cases, and provides the business considerations for different NFV and CE 2.0 implementation options so readers can be informed about the possibilities,” said Ralph Santitoro, co-author of the paper, MEF Distinguished Fellow, and Head of SDN/NFV Solutions Practice, Fujitsu Network Communications. “The paper is not prescriptive about any particular implementation and provides the reader with choices based on their business objectives.”

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