Telefonica selects NEC for SMB cloud services

Telefonica selects NEC for SMB cloud services

Telefonica Business Solutions has today revealed a four-year partnership with NEC for the delivery of cloud services to SMB customers across Europe and Latin America.

NEC will become Telefonica’s global integrator; focussing on operation, integration and support for the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms and services that Telefonica offers.

The work will utilise the latest technology to offer flexibility and adaptability, and reportedly requires no additional investment.

“SMBs need to use new ICT technologies to compete and interact with customers in an increasingly digital world, but more often than not they find the technology expensive and difficult to manage,” said Juan Manual Moreno, Telefonica Business Solutions Cloud Global Director.

“To help them in this transformation, Telefonica gives SMBs a way to take full advantage of technology, without the need for additional investment or capacity concerns. The agreement with NEC will enable us to accelerate the deployment of these solutions on a global level.”

NEC will also deploy its NCBS (NEC Cloud Brokerage Suite) platform across Telefonica’s operations in Latin America, designed to reduce the costs of integrating carriers and significantly shorten time to market for cloud services.

“The experience we've gained over the past few years thanks to Telefónica Aplicateca [Telefonica’s business application platform] and more than 20 operators worldwide has helped us to design a very solid cloud solution that is able to offer a very advanced service experience,” said Jaime Serrano, VP of NEC Europe Southern Cluster.

“In addition, our great capacity for implementation, operation and support has made us one of the largest cloud integrators in the market, which has enabled us to continue to deserve the trust of a large company like Telefonica.”

Last month, Telefonica joined forces with Orange to launch an initiative to support the development and growth of Smart Cities. 

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