A team of Bell Labs researchers will be based in the “antenna” office in Mountain View, California, and will work on developing networks for the delivery of new cloud-based applications and services.
The facility will be the third Bell Labs antenna office to launch this year – following launches in Israel in May and in the UK in July – and Marcus Weldon, president of Bell Labs and CTO at Alcatel-Lucent, expects the Silicon Valley location to be a significant driver for innovation.
“We know that the full impact of cloud computing will radically change not only our industry but also the way we live, work and communicate,” Weldon said.
“We expect to tap both the innovative spirit of the rich west coast-based technology community as well as the wealth of real-world knowledge from Alcatel-Lucent’s successful IP Routing business and its SDN start-up, Nuage Networks, to significantly change the course of the future.”
The facility will be led by Sanjay Kamat, Bell Labs Consulting SDN/NFV group leader, who in his previous role was focussed on techno-economic issues related to emerging technologies.