A1 Telekom Austria Group has chosen Nokia and Ericsson to support the deployment of its 5G networks in Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.
A report commissioned by the UK government has highlighted the role of smaller telecoms equipment makers in the UK's 5G roll out, while recommending that direct financial support to replace Huawei kit is not necessary.
Cataworx, a provider of business-to-business sales automation software, and Nokia have developed an integrated solution, which enables communication service providers to provide instant quotes for optical network connectivity services, with support for dynamic pricing, and empowering their customers to trigger service fulfilment through order orchestration.
Following the successful acquisitions of Openwave Mobility and the Telco Solutions Convergence Creators business unit from Atos/Siemens, Enea has unveiled an end-to-end 5G data management suite, enabling interoperability between network functions in a software-defined 5G core.
A new agreement between Broadband Forum (BBF) and the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is set to ease the path to automated and open virtualised access networks.