EU Commission’s Breton pushes for Single Market

EU Commission’s Breton pushes for Single Market

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Thierry Breton, the internal market commissioner of the European Commission is pushing for a single telecoms market in a move that he believes will foster growth and innovation and allow operators to adapt to rapidly evolving technology.

In a LinkedIn post, Breton stated that a Single Market is a “unique springboard for companies to grow and innovate”.

“We must create the conditions for the sector to fully embrace the technology shift towards cloud-based software-defined models,” Breton said.

“Telecoms networks are becoming “network-as-a-service”, where connectivity and computing capacity converge thanks to edge technologies and physical switches become application programming interfaces (API).

“This paradigm shift, with its higher performance and security requirements, is driving an increase in investment needs.”

To achieve these goals, Breton says, telecoms must progress on four strands.

He believes that the industry must facilitate cross-border operations and the creation of true pan-European infrastructure operators and adapt the regulatory framework to cut costs.

Breton adds that the industry must attract more private capital to the telecoms sector and secure networks amid rising geopolitical tensions.

The Telecoms Single Market Package was proposed by the European Commission in September 2013 and includes an end to roaming charges, coordinative spectrum licensing and provisions that would make it easier for operators to switch providers.

Calls for consolidation in the telecoms industry have been prevalent in recent times and Breton’s views were echoed earlier this year by the EU’s digital and competition commissioner.

Margrethe Vestager said in January that she wants only five to 10 operators across the EU market of 27 countries.

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