Szlosarek’s recruits new investor

Szlosarek’s recruits new investor

Jerzy Szlosarek, Neutrality.one_16_9.jpg

A recruitment company has invested in, the Dubai-based company run by George (Jerzy) Szlosarek.

Expand Group, which was incorporated in late 2020, has not said how much it is investing. Capacity has asked for more details.

Szlosarek (pictured) said: “ has moved from our growth start-up stage to our next phase of development and we’re excited to have expand group on board with us.”

Expand, based in Brighton on the south coast of England, is run by Aidan Walker, who describes himself as an “international head hunter in communications and technology”. Walker has been with the company for 14 years, having previously been a recruitment consultant for Band X, a company that started out as a bandwidth trading business.

Szlosarek said: “We have worked with Expand Group for many years and it has shown both expertise in team building and a true understanding of our business.” said that “the investment will be used to accelerate development in the enterprise channel and managed services sector, delivering global connectivity and advanced software-defined network services”.

Walker said: “Our accelerator fund enables us to elevate our relationships with high-growth businesses and find new ways to support them. At the end of the day, it is all about people, building great teams, and enabling our clients’ success.”

Curiously, both companies appear to dislike capital letters in their branding, preferring “” and “expand group”. Capacity has added capitals to aid readability.

Szlosarek, a former Epsilon CEO, launched to bring SDN to the Middle East and expand SD-WAN availability. In 2020 he told Capacity: “This is one of the many steps we are taking to develop and deliver world-class connectivity, underpinned with an optimised end-to-end customer experience. We are bringing SD-WAN to new markets and making it simple for enterprises to benefit from new connectivity models.”

Its main backer from the start has been Entegro, an Irish company that specialises in designing and building networks. said the investment follows strong organic growth and advanced development of an automation platform for streamlining the delivery and operations of global communications services. Expand Group and said the “will co-operate to develop a strong talent base to support global digital transformation with network technologies”. “will benefit from Expand Group’s expertise in skills identification and provide access to a unique pool of networking, software, and commercial talent”, it said.

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