Uzbekistan taps Toyota, Tsusho, NEC and NTT for major upgrades

Uzbekistan taps Toyota, Tsusho, NEC and NTT for major upgrades

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Uzebkistan will benefit from advanced telecoms infrastructure as a result of a signed contract between Toyota Tsusho, Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ), NEC Corporation and NTT Com and local operator JSC Uzbektelecom.

The companies will work together to deploy data centre and telecoms infrastructure for an advanced data communication known as ‘the System’.

Installation of the System is to begin in 2023 with the launch of operations that is expected to “significantly” improve the communications environment of Uzbekistan.

The project, launched under Digital Uzbekistan 2030, the four companies will provide telecoms equipment and services required for the country’s data centres in three major cities – Tashkent, Bukhara and Kokand.

This is expected to significantly increase the speed, capacity and quality of telecoms infrastructure.

Toyota Tsusho will serve as the prime contractor for the project and the overall coordinator.

IIJ will contribute to the development of sustainable digital infrastructure while NEC will provide its optical wavelength multiplexing communications equipment and training for Uzbektelecom's operational staff.

“Through the Project, the four companies will contribute to the realization of a more convenient and comfortable society, as well as the sustainable development of industries in Uzbekistan and other countries in Central Asia,” the four companies said in a joint release.

The project is funded by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) and the MUFG Bank.

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