Iliad, EIB sign €300m loan to finance 4G and 5G

Iliad, EIB sign €300m loan to finance 4G and 5G

Thomas Reynaud Iliad.jpg

The Iliad Group and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have set up a new €300 million loan to help finance its mobile network rollouts in France.

The sum will go some way in helping to densify Iliad’s 4G network and to deploy its 5G network in the country.

EIB has helped to finance Iliad’s fixed network rollouts for over 10 years and this new loan brings Iliad’s total amount of EIB financing to over €1.1 billion since 2009.

“We’re delighted with this partnership with the EIB, which will enable us to actively pursue the rollout and densification of our mobile networks,” said Thomas Reynaud, CEO of the iliad Group.

“Providing the best connectivity to everyone, nationwide, is what we’re working together to achieve at iliad.

“We intend to pursue our rollouts at a brisk pace, particularly in view of the upcoming launch of our 5G offers and entry into the B2B market.”

Iliad says its network rollouts remain an “absolute priority”, and on average the Group spends almost 30% of its revenues in its rollouts every year.

This marks a total of €7.5 billion over the last five years as Iliad continues its commitment to reaching even the most rural areas of France.

Iliad now has more than 18,800 mobile sites across Metropolitan France and offers 4G coverage to 97.8% of the French population.

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