International carriers line up against fraud as cases rise, says GLF

International carriers line up against fraud as cases rise, says GLF

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Twenty international carriers have declared themselves in compliance with the industry’s anti-fraud code of conduct.

Yet the volume of telecoms fraud has been increasing, the ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) announced this morning, the first day of Capacity Europe, following its fifth annual survey.

Judit Albers (pictured), director wholesale for A1 Telekom Austria and the lead of the GLF working group against fraud said: “This year’s GLF Fraud Report marks the second year in a row that we have published the names of carriers taking action to minimise and eradicate fraud on their networks.”

The list of 20 includes significant industry names such as Airtel, BICS and BT, as well as Telefónica Global Solutions, Telstra and Vodafone.

The report, which is available from the GLF website, said that 50% of survey respondents see an increase in the volume and impact of fraudulent voice traffic versus the previous year – a 24 percentage point increase from the 26% of respondents in 2021.

Only a third of respondents see a decrease in the impact of fraud.

The report says that increased sophistication and technology used by fraudsters have brought great challenges to the carriers’ fraud teams.

Although some use cases such as the financial impact of missed calls/wangiri have been mitigated, international revenue share fraud (IRSF) is still the main concern of the industry, sparking new use techniques and methodologies to commit fraud.

This concern should be translated to a further collaboration of fraud teams and the overall community, as this concerns many actors along the value chain, says the GLF report.

SMS fraud is in high volumes but “effective firewall systems and the nature of the fraud results in use cases having a low financial impact on respondents”, says the GLF this morning.

Albers said: “I am proud that we have continued this process as it is an important that, as an industry, we promote the work that these carriers are doing to minimise the prevalence and impact of fraud.”

The conference is covering the issue of fraud on Wednesday afternoon, in a session starting at 13:55. Albers is interviewed about the GLF’s work on fraud in the October/November issue of Capacity, available at the Capacity Europe event and here


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