Sparkle, Italian Navy sign MoU to protect subsea infrastructure

Sparkle, Italian Navy sign MoU to protect subsea infrastructure

Sparkle Navy MoU.jpg

Sparkle has signed an MoU with the Italian Navy to improve and protect and improve subsea infrastructure.

The MoU formalises an agreement for socio-economic development and sets up the shared monitoring of Sparkle’s submarine cables.

The Italian Navy will provide cartographic support for the “seabed of interest” as well as assistance in emergency operational situations.

The agreement was formally signed by Sparkle CEO Elisabetta Romano and the chief of the Italian Navy, Admiral Enrico Credendino.

Romano said: “We are proud and honoured by this prestigious collaboration with the Italian Navy, which confirms the strategic role of digital infrastructures for the Country's development while recognising Sparkle's significant contribution.”

Sparkle added that the Navy is the only institutional entity capable of ensuring the monitoring and protection of the subsea cables.

Because of that, the convergence of interests led to the signing of the MoU.

Admiral Credendino added: The Italian Navy is one of the main pillars of national maritime cluster and works daily to defend and support it.

“We have professional competencies and skills to perform submarine operations and today, also thanks to Sparkle, an important process begins that gives the right attention to the underwater dimension of Italy, a maritime country with 8,000 km of coastline, at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea.

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