LOGIX Fiber Networks welcomes DE-CIX Dallas

LOGIX Fiber Networks welcomes DE-CIX Dallas


DE-CIX has established an interconnection point with LOGIX Fiber Networks (LOGIX) in Dallas, Texas.

The newly established network-to-network interface gives LOGIX customers turnkey access to DE-CIX Dallas, with extended reach, via the DE-CIX GlobePEER Remote service, to Chicago, New York, Phoenix, Richmond, as well as onward connectivity to the company’s globally interconnected platforms across Europe and the Middle East.

“We are always looking for ways to enhance our network services and capabilities, and an interconnection with DE-CIX Dallas does just that,” said Craig Collins, chief executive officer, LOGIX Fiber Networks.

“Through this partnership, LOGIX customers now can leverage our Texas-based transport network to access DE-CIX, helping companies procure the most direct route for connectivity and ultimately enhance performance while streamlining costs.”

By interconnecting its network with DE-CIX Dallas, LOGIX customers can use transport connectivity for turnkey access to DE-CIX’s multi-service platform, with direct access to cloud providers, content networks and other service providers.

Further, the interconnection creates a gateway that removes third-party connectivity costs in Dallas and traditional colocation requirements, giving enterprise and wholesale networks direct access to DE-CIX Dallas.

“We continue to develop better ways for networks from throughout the region to connect to DE-CIX Dallas. This partnership with LOGIX is yet another step forward in allowing DE-CIX Dallas to serve the entire region, not just networks with PoPs in Dallas," said Ed d’Agostino, VP and general manager, DE-CIX North America.

"DE-CIX Dallas provides an array of network optimisation and security capabilities for ISPs, content providers, enterprises, educational and research institutions and more. Now enabled through LOGIX, we look forward to welcoming even more networks to our quickly growing ecosystem.”

Historically, data centre-owned IX’s typically require colocation and cross connection fees that require networks to buy and manage remote equipment in addition to the IX platform fees. With a transport to peering connection offered by LOGIX to reach DE-CIX Dallas, networks can peer in Dallas with only the cost of the LOGIX transport connection.

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