Virgin Media O2 Business to reduce wholesale prices

Virgin Media O2 Business to reduce wholesale prices

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Virgin Media O2 Business will reduce its fixed wholesale tariff rate and reduce prices across its Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) bandwidths and National Ethernet wholesale services.

For DIA services, Virgin Media O2 Business is reducing its fixed wholesale prices by as much as 2.8% per annum across both fully-managed and partially managed services across 100Mb, 1Gb and 10Gb bearers.

The price adjustments will also be extended to its National Ethernet wholesale bandwidths delivered on a 10Gb bearer.

They will be applied to the company’s fixed wholesale rate card today.

Diego Tedesco, wholesale fixed director at Virgin Media O2 Business said: “Since launching our UltimateFlex model in June last year, we have reduced prices for thousands of contracts.

“For those partners, their margins grew overnight. Now, we’re extending price reductions across more bandwidths – for new and existing UltimateFlex customers – helping all our fixed wholesale partners stimulate the market and drive business.

“It’s all about offering more flexibility and value when businesses need it most.”

This is the second time that Virgin Media O2 Business has reduced its National Ethernet pricing, previously reducing prices on key bandwidths on a 1Gb bearer by as much as 3%.

The new pricing is available for new orders and will be applied to existing services on its UltimateFlex contracts.

As part of UltimateFlex, prices are automatically adjusted to match the company’s new business rates meaning every time the standard tariff price drops, UltimateFlex services will reflect the price change.

Wholesale partners with qualifying installed services will see the change on their next bill.

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