TSF aiding refugees from Russia’s war on Ukraine with free Wifi

TSF aiding refugees from Russia’s war on Ukraine with free Wifi

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Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) is providing free Wifi on the buses carrying Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russia’s attacks.

This is just one of the services the telecoms industry’s aid organisation is providing to people of Ukraine suffering the consequences of the Russian war.

Jean-François Cazenave, president of TSF, said this morning: “The complexity of the crisis, its constant evolution and the extent of the area affected by the crisis, make humanitarian assistance particularly difficult. We are working to ensure the most effective support possible for victims and humanitarian actors in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.”

Each daily bus convoy, organised by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) between Ukraine and Romania, consists of 15 buses. The convoy leaves every day from Palanca, on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, and allows refugees fleeing Ukraine from the south, mainly women and children, to reach Romania and its capital Bucharest in safety.

Thanks to the TSF connection, during this 500km journey, the refugees will be able to stay in contact with their loved ones in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, as well as obtain essential information for their future.

A TSF team in Ukraine is providing support to humanitarian operations in the country.

From Lviv (see map), TSF collaborates with the Ukrainian NGO Vostok-SOS, which coordinates medical and food supplies to 100 sites in Ukraine.

The supply of satellite equipment for the city of Odessa is also being finalised. A TSF team remains mobilised on the borders between Romania, Moldova and Ukraine to prepare for a possible massive flow of refugees following the intensification of Russian attacks in the city of Odessa.

TSF is also talking to humanitarian counterparts in Poland, to identify possible actions it could take to help refugees fleeing Ukraine via this route.

Members of the industry can support TSF in US dollars, euros or British pounds via this link.

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