Southern Cross NEXT cable to complete journey in Coogee, NSW

Southern Cross NEXT cable to complete journey in Coogee, NSW

Laurie Miller - SCCL 16.9.jpg

Southern Cross Cables Limited (Southern Cross) confirms that its Southern Cross NEXT cable (SX NEXT) will land in Coogee, New South Wales, later this month.

Announced in 2019, the SX NEXT cable will expand the capacity of Australia’s global connectivity, delivering an additional 72Tbps. Connecting Australia, New Zealand and the US via pacific islands Fiji, Tokelau and Kiribati, SX NEXT will deliver high-speed connectivity and low latency between countries.

“This cable will provide Australians with an incredible boost to its bandwidth needs at a time when data connectivity has never been higher. We’re increasingly working from home while streaming content at huge rates and in better quality than ever before,” said Laurie Miller (pictured), CEO of Southern Cross.

"The addition of 72 terabits of capacity will provide Australians with a level of assurance that they’ll get the data they need when they need it Having a high-speed connection of this magnitude directly with the heart of US innovation in California will ensure Australians have the bandwidth they need to remain at the cutting edge of technology.”

Weather permitting, SX NEXT is due to land off the coast of Dunningham Reserve, Coogee Beach, on 14 December 2021.

Spanning 15,857km in length, and started in 2017 with an undersea survey, SX NEXT costs approximately $350 million and is touted as the 'largest single infrastructure projects in the world'.

“Projects of this magnitude make everything in the internet era possible, yet the majority of people have no idea they exist,” added Miller. “All told, it’s estimated there are 436 submarine cables traversing the globe, spanning about 1.3 million kilometres.”

“The landing at Coogee will represent the culmination of a long journey for this cable, our staff and customers. The end result is a vastly superior connection between Australia and the rest of the world.”

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