Spectrum policy ‘can help tackle climate change’, says report

Spectrum policy ‘can help tackle climate change’, says report

Aude Schoentgen Plum.jpg

Spectrum policy can help to tackle climate change, a UK industry body claimed today.

The Spectrum Policy Forum (SPF), an industry-led organisation that advises the regulator and the government, says there are ways in which spectrum policies can have a significant positive environmental impact.

Yet the report, by Plum Consulting, admits that these have not yet been underpinned by quantitative data.

Aude Schoentgen (pictured), principal consultant at Plum, commented: “The TMT [technology, media and telecoms] sector can contribute significantly to tackling the climate change issue and as, a driver of socio-economic progress, it should play its part in the environmental issues.”

The report has appeared just days before the 31 October start of the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, which takes place in the Scottish city of Glasgow.

Paris-based Schoentgen, a former Orange executive, said: “While private initiatives have started to emerge, it is necessary that policy makers and regulators take a holistic view on the TMT value chain and the evolution of its net impact on climate. They will therefore be able to consult on, set and implement appropriate frameworks.”

The report underlines that, before considering how different spectrum policies may impact climate change, it is crucial to understand how any policies may be implemented.

The UK government’s National Infrastructure Commission recommended that regulators including Ofcom should have new duties to “promote the achievement of net zero by 2050 and improve resilience”.

The report points out that it is clear such a recommendation is needed if Ofcom is to be able to act on the issues raised in the report. “Also, before committing to policy, governments must carry out a full regulatory impact assessment,” said Plum.

David Meyer, who chairs the SPF, said: “Spectrum is at the heart of many of the technologies and data services we take for granted, which can contribute to reducing our impact on the environment. This report is an important step in identifying how we can use spectrum in more environmentally-friendly ways. It provides a timely prompt to governments, regulators and all those involved in the use of spectrum, as we all seek ways of making our industry as climate-friendly as it can be.”




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