Telin selects VMware for SD-WAN service offering

Telin selects VMware for SD-WAN service offering


Telin, a subsidiary of PT Telkom Indonesia (Telkom), has partnered with VMware to offer Telin SD-WAN.

The new solution combines quick deployment speed and low maintenance to deliver a cloud-based hybrid WAN, the offering can also be bundled with any connectivity to provide end-to-end SD-WAN connection with added security on top.

The SD-WAN service is offered using managed VMware SD-WAN Edge devices located at customer premises to connect locations to the WAN. In addition, Telin uses the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator centralised management platform to simplify its operations. Also as the SD-WAN operates as a transport service overlay, there are no changes are needed to underlaying network.

“The telecommunications industry is swiftly developing in line with the changing ecosystems and dynamic market demands. This is in parallel with the changes in consumer behaviour to increasingly adopt a digital mindset, cloud infrastructure and the need for services that provide impactful solutions with agility will continue to increase," said Ivan Rinaldy, vice president of product/service innovation and development at Telin.

"Telin SD-WAN takes customers to the next level of connectivity beyond their own capabilities. Backed by the global infrastructures and our capabilities, we’re ready to provide the Managed Service that utilise our international private circuit and security services."

Specifically, Telin SD-WAN direct traffic across one or multiple connections, with business policies defined by the client that enable the application and network performance.

Additionally, Telin SD-WAN takes part as a connectivity integrator which provides simplicity for Enterprises to set their needs based on cost and required security level, wider coverage, pre-configuration cloud based and to complement all network configurations.

“There is an acceleration in enterprise digital transformation as organisations adapt to a new work from anywhere world,” said Abe Ankumah, senior director of marketing and partnerships, SD-WAN and SASE business at VMware.

“The one thing that remains constant is the need for more secure, consistent application performance. The SD-WAN platform from VMware, now part of VMware SASE, not only serves the networking and security needs of enterprises today but is also a foundation for more cloud delivered services in the future.”

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