WAN Summit: Next Gen SD-WAN to launch in November

WAN Summit: Next Gen SD-WAN to launch in November

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WAN Summit, the event that connects buyers and suppliers of wide area networking solutions, will return on 18 November with a special, half-day online event that takes a look at the future – what is next gen SD-WAN, and what does it mean for the networking community?

It’s no secret that wide area networking has undergone quite a few long-term and short-term changes, with multi-cloud adoption, IOT and the dramatic shift to working from home being among the factors. Whether these Covid-related working patterns represent a permanent change remains to be seen, but there is no doubt that performance requirements, security standards and application usage is bringing some seismic changes to the world of WAN.

The vendor and service provider industry has responded to this shift in demand, taking SD-WAN well beyond load balancing and forward error correction. With the service offering broader than ever before and an influx in marketing around next generation SD-WAN services (or SD-WAN 2.0 to some), this special edition of the WAN Summit will take a closer look at what’s beneath the buzzwords. With the world’s enterprises in different stages of their networking journeys, how can these new service offerings help WAN managers get the most out of their networks – securing the elusive balance of performance, ease of access, and security?

WAN Summit: Next Gen SD-WAN will take a look at these issues from the network manager, vendor and analyst points of view – providing a balanced, unbiased and honest look at what lies behind the branding. Running over half a day in November, the agenda will cover:

  • The full suite of capabilities vendors now offer – which ones are actually worth investing in?

  • How can network managers get visibility and analysis on specific application performance and routing?

  • Which SD-WAN vendors have moved forward with integrating WAN security via partnerships and their own technologies?

  • How can SD-WAN work in concert with edge-based zero trust security models?

And finally:

  • What exactly is next-gen SD-WAN?

“For enterprise network managers, the need to expand the capabilities of SD-WAN is becoming clear - but the definition of what this new SD-WAN looks like is not quite as clear,” says Martina Hollbacher, Product Manager of the WAN Summit. “This online event is a chance for network managers to get a reliable overview of what's available on the market, and for vendors to put forward their vision of where SD-WAN needs to go.”

Organised by Capacity Media and TeleGeography, WAN Summit: Next Gen SD-WAN will be open for registration in the next week or so – if you’re interested in taking part, keep an eye on the WAN Summit hub page for updates.

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