A platform designed to withstand a crisis

A platform designed to withstand a crisis


Across the globe countries are slowly exiting their various emergency states and attempting to return to business. The Covid-19 crisis has clearly demonstrated that improved transmission, latency and neutrality are required to provide an internet infrastructure that will support a strong, resilient economy going forwards.

As the world has seen over these difficult recent months, during times of crisis it is of paramount importance to have reliable infrastructure and good working relationships with your partners. If COVID-19 has taught telecoms operators anything it is the value of openness and neutrality, and the importance they play in dealing with unexpected situations. The ability to be proactive and to support your customer’s needs, totally independently of your own, is fundamental to EllaLink. As a privately funded company we are fully committed to providing products and services on a Carrier Neutral and Open Access basis, meaning that our customers can be sure that we have their best interests at heart, at all times and especially in times of need.

As we move through uncharted waters and into the future many things about our working environment are going to change. Companies will need to adapt in order to remain agile, not only in terms of their architecture but also the way business is conducted and how employees, customers and the market at large interact. Remote working is here to stay, and alongside it comes a need for bandwidth, connectivity and low latency routing. Reducing latency improves network performance, and is the most critical factor for content providers, cloud computing companies and financial firms. The EllaLink system was designed primarily to address the lack of a low latency direct route between Europe and Latin America, and now more than ever we can see the necessity of such a design. Providing reductions in Round Trip Delay of over 50% compared to traditional routes between the continents, EllaLink will offer a RTD of 119 milliseconds between Marseille and Sao Paulo.

Hand in hand with latency improvements came our objective to offer our customers increased diversity. Under normal circumstances network uptime is imperative, but in times of crisis it is at its most critical. Operators must plan ahead to ensure high availability, and part of this process is to build into networks as much route diversity as possible. Not only has EllaLink selected a diverse subsea route across the south Atlantic, but by strategically selecting alternative landing sites, such as Sines in Portugal, we have avoided congested areas of Sesimbra, Carcavelos and Seixal. With protected routing built into our terrestrial design and onward connectivity to Asia our customers can be assured that their diversity requirements are our priority. 

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