The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts, Arcep) says that more than one in three of all internet subscribers in France has a superfast access line. Of these 10 million, a total of 5.8 million have end-to-end fibre.
The total number of broadband and superfast broadband subscriptions stood at 29.4 million at the end of the second quarter of 2019, which marks an increase of 90,000 over the previous quarter and of 690,000 year on year, said the regulator.
The number public-initiative fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) rollouts has increased significantly during the second quarter, with an additional 323,000 additional premises passed in the three-month period.
Arcep has published detailed district-by-district maps of where high-speed broadband is available across France, showing both FTTH and coaxial cable, based on Open Street Map backgrounds (see image, showing Paris and eastern suburbs). The regulator also makes information available as open data in a downloadable format.
At the same time Arcep has challenged Orange and SFR to step up the pace at which they are connecting premises in municipalities where they have made fibre rollout commitments. Arcep said the first deadline is a commitment to have at least 92% of the premises passed by the end of 2020, with the remaining being passed on request.