Indigo consortium confirms completion of subsea cable

Indigo consortium confirms completion of subsea cable

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AARNet, Google, Indosat Ooredoo, Singtel, SubPartners and Telstra have confirmed the completion of the Indigo West and Central subsea cable systems.

“The completion of the Indigo cable system heralds a new era of high speed communications between the growing economies of Southeast Asia and Australia. This new data superhighway will complement our existing global links to Asia, US, Europe, Australia and the Middle East, allowing Singtel and Optus to meet the growing demand for bandwidth-intensive applications which is expected to quadruple by 2025,” said Ooi Seng Keat, Singtel’s vice president of carrier services and group enterprise.

The news comes nearly two weeks after ARN reported that Superloop announced that the two systems completed its installation in December and was already in a commissioning period.

Commenting on the launch, Oliver Camplin-Warner Telstra’s Head of International: “The Indigo West cable will connect to Telstra’s extensive terrestrial network to provide onward connectivity around Australia. Once complete, the cable system will strengthen links between Australia and fast-growing South East Asian markets by providing faster speeds and dramatically improved reliability.” 

Now that the news has been officially announced, the consortium confirms that the commissioning period has now begun and on-track for its ready for service date of mid-2019.

“This is an exciting time for AARNet, added Chris Hancock, CEO of AARNet. “Indigo is the first in a number of significant investments for research and education in Australia. Indigo will provide the underpinning critical infrastructure to meet the future growth in collaborative research and transnational education between Australia and our important Asian partners.”

Once live, the 36Tbps, 4,600km system will boost connections between Australia and Southeast Asia delivering lower latency and increased reliability on its two fibre-pairs.

Drew Kelton (pictured), CEO of Superloop on behalf of SubPartners, said: “The demand for Indigo is now apparent, with Superloop already signing on NextDC for access to Indigo for both of its Perth and Sydney data centres. Superloop is on a journey to interconnect and virtualise businesses across the Asia-Pacific region, and the go-live of Indigo will accelerate that plan significantly.”

The Indigo system will use new spectrum technology enabling each consortium member to independently deploy various technologies, take advantages advancements for future upgrades, and increase capacity on demand.

“We are excited with the significant progress of the Indigo deployment, commented Joy Wahjudi, president, director and CEO of Indosat Ooredoo. “This strategic partnership will provide Indonesia with wider connection access across Australia and the fast-growing South East Asian market.”

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