The new offering is a high-speed trans-Eurasian fibre-optic network that offers the shortest route from Hong Kong to Frankfurt. The new fully redundant route boasts latency of just 153ms round trip delay (RTD) and is a fully diverse path to other terrestrial networks serving the same region.
Speaking exclusively to Capacity, Omirserikov Sabi, chief commercial officer, TNS Plus, said: “the demand from our customers is growing each year. Those companies want the shortest delay, the best availability, fully redundant and the fastest route.”
The 13,000 km TNS Express connects from Hong Kong located in the Mega-I data centre, across six countries - China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany - to Frankfurt where it connects in the New Telco data centre. The route is protected “one-to-one” along its entire length and ensures availability of services at the level of at least 99.95%.
By making use of TNS Express, high-availability services can also be provided to any cities in Kazakhstan and intermediate waypoints in other countries. The backbone also allows the provision of capacity n x 10G, n x 100G, IEPL 2-2000 Mbps service, L3 VPN 2-2000Mbps service with quality of service support.
The company has been working with a number of Chinese, European and general external partners, in conjunction with its own network in Kazakhstan. According to Sabi the key differentiator for TNS Express over other network providers is its speed.
The project has been a year in the making with it having been completed in September of this year. Looking ahead Sabi hasn’t ruled out expansions into neighbouring countries like Japan or Singapore.