Sofia Connect to expand its network over the next 6 months

Sofia Connect to expand its network over the next 6 months

Yuliy Nushev NEW.jpg

Sofia Connect, a Bulgarian wholesale data services provider, has announced plans to aggressively expand its network over the next 6 months.

The company says that it wants to expand its network across borders towards the West Balkins and will do so by acquiring fibre networking companies in Greece, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.


“We look to do acquisitions in the various regions and make them part of our international network,” said Yuliy Nushev, CEO of Sofia Connect (pictured). “We are in the final phase to close with a company in Macedonia and another one in Greece. My hope is to finalise those two deals by the end of 2018 and continue with the other acquisitions as a priority for 2019.”

Earlier this year, the company announced plans to build a new dark fibre network to connect data centres in the city plus a connection from the Black Sea cable to Frankfurt. The work which has now been completed uses 192 fibres, for its data centre connection and according to Yuliy “The network contains 2×96 fibres, fully diversified.”

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