The regulator is specifically exploring the areas of restricted television and audio services, fixed and mobile telephony and both fixed and mobile broadband, nationally.
The investigation will examine what the IFT describes as ‘one or more mergers, acquisitions of control or any act by virtue of which partnerships, associations, shares, social parties, trusts or assets in general are made between competitors, suppliers, customers or any other economic agents. Whose purpose or effect is to hinder, diminish, damage or impede free competition or economic competition.”
The regulator says that this activity is anti-competitive when such operations gives an unfair advantage to specific players in the market, displaces other economic agents or prevents other third parties from entering the market and reaching supplies. Or otherwise engages in monopolistic practices prohibited by the Federal law of Economic Competition.
The investigation will began on 18 May 2018 and according to the rules of the Federal Law of Economic Competition, cannot be less than 30 business days nor exceed 120 days. However, the investigation may be extended by the IFT up to four times, but only when fully justified.
Earlier this year, Mexico ushered in another major milestone when the IFT approved a plan to free up space in the 600MHz band to prepare for the 5G. The plan, which is being described as a global first, involves the relocation of 48 digital terrestrial television (DTT) channels using frequencies between 614MHz and 698MHz freeing up for 5G services.
The relocated channels will continue to operate below channel 37 which is in 608-614MHz range, a move that the IFT says is consistent with the Work Program to Reorganize the Radioelectric Spectrum for Radio and Television Stations, contained within Mexico’s National Radioelectric Spectrum Program that came into force in November 2017.