du becomes first telco to achieve PCI-DSS compliance in MENA region

du becomes first telco to achieve PCI-DSS compliance in MENA region

du, part of Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), has announced a number of solutions that create secure ecommerce environments for its customers.

All of du’s various payment channels are now Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DDS) accredited, meaning that all of its customer’s transactions and payment data is highly secure.

Commenting on the announcement, Fahad Al Hassawi, deputy chief executive officer of telco services at EITC said: “With the rapid proliferation of e-commerce and a more digitalised world, it is imperative that electronic transactions are secure. The PCI-DSS accreditation bears testament to du’s commitment to adhering to the highest standards of transparency and integrity at all times and across all its operations , thus, paving for the UAE to become a forerunner in the provision of simple and secure electronic payments. PCI-DSS Compliance means that our customers can conveniently make electronic payments through various channels with complete peace of mind – knowing that their data is fully secure and tamper-proof.”

The news makes du of the few companies in the region to obtain PCI-DSS compliance certification in the UAE and, according to the company, is the first telco in the region to achieve this status. As well as its payment systems, the new accreditation is rolled out across du’s data centre hosting services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

As part of the PCI-DSS compliance customers are protected from theft and other forms of misuse on du platforms. In addition, du has processes to respond to any data breaches that limit the impact of such instances, as well as mandatory procedures and annual recertification is required every year in order to comply.

Capacity recently spoke to Hany Fahmy Ali, VP of enterprise at du, about the digital transformation taking place in the UAE and how du is creating the ecosystems to enable this. To read the full interview as part of or April/May issue of Capacity magazine, please click here.

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