DE-CIX extends GlobePEER service to Marseille

DE-CIX extends GlobePEER service to Marseille

DE-CIX has expanded the reach of its GlobePEER Remote Service to include Marseille, giving customers there the ability to use local access to peer remotely at other DE-CIX sites.

GlobePEER was launched in 2016 initially in the German internet exchange’s facilities in Frankfurt and New York, but has since been extended to include Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Istanbul and now Marseille

It is a service with which customers can use their existing access to peer remotely at an additional DE-CIX location over a pre-existing VLAN. DE-CIX takes care of all of the interconnects required as well as access at the additional location.

DE-CIX delivers within one day of setup anf offers bandwidths ranging between 0.01 and 100Gbps, depending on the location.

Theresa Bobis, director South Europe at DE-CIX, said: “Adding GlobePEER Remote to our DE-CIX location in Marseille is just a logical step for us given the strategic importance of Southern Europe. Traditional traffic flows are changing, heading towards Southern Europe, especially the Iberian Peninsula, Marseille and the Mediterranean coast, due to its strategic position and an ever-increasing number of submarine cables landing there. 

“On top, IP traffic will triple worldwide by 2021, and Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific have the strongest traffic growth rates. So DE-CIX is already there, where our interconnection services are needed – now and in the future.” 

The announcement came as DE-CIX labelled Marseille as an emerging strategic point for peering interconnections. It commissioned TeleGeography to re-examine its position in the global telecommunications landscape.

TeleGeography forecasts robust growth in bandwidth demand between Europe and Asia, the Middle East and Africa over the next five years.  Capacity between Europe and the Middle East could more than quadruple by 2022 and increase more than 6-fold between Europe and Africa during the same period in its Marseille White Paper.

Bobis added: “As the interconnection environment in Marseille continues to expand, DE-CIX customers can benefit from increased economies of scale, with access to more than 130 peering partners at Interxion’s rapidly growing MRS campus alone. The launch of Microsoft’s France South Azure region will also fuel demand and opportunity in the local IX environment. For customers who require onward connectivity to Frankfurt or Paris, a plethora of carrier options is available in Marseille providing onward connectivity at on-net rates that are comparable to route pricing found in any major European market.”

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