The product is the latest instalment of Google Cloud, which was launched in September. It enables higher-speed and lower cost connectivity than VPN, and has become the go-to solution to connect on premise data centers with the cloud, DE-CIX said.
The German internet exchange’s customers can now choose DE-CIX to provide connectivity from their facility to the nearest Google edge point of presence. In addition, they will also be able to select from a variety of subrate interface speeds varying from 50Mbps up to what Google allows.
“Partner Interconnect gives Google Cloud customers even more connectivity choices for hybrid environments,” said John Veizades, product manager, Google Cloud. “Together with DE-CIX, we are making it easier for customers to extend their on-prem infrastructure to the Google Cloud Platform.”
“We are happy to add Google Cloud to the DE-CIX DirectCLOUD Exchanges at our locations in Frankfurt, Munich, New York, Dallas and Marseille. Through our DirectCLOUD customers can also benefit from Google Cloud’s global network at further DE-CIX internet exchanges e.g. in Hamburg and Istanbul”, says Ivo Ivanov, CEO of DE-CIX International.