Deutsche Telekom unveils its Universal Wifi Access solution

Deutsche Telekom unveils its Universal Wifi Access solution

Deutsche Telekom International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS), has announced its new Universal Wifi Access solution.

The new offering allows mobile network operators to quickly offer access across the Deutsche Telekom Wifi footprint including in-flight Wifi, without the need for their own Wifi platform.

“Deutsche Telekom created this pure wholesale solution following a rapid innovation cycle by precisely addressing customer demands. Service providers interested in offering easy access to the Telekom in-flight services will benefit from this true plug-and-play service, without the need for a RADIUS server or other Wifi-specific infrastructure. They can launch fast and simple Wifi roaming and focus on what they do best: provide seamless internet access to their subscribers even when they are aboard an airplane,” said Francesco Votta, senior product manager at ICSS.

Service providers can incorporate any customer-facing online platform, such as a website or a virtual assistant application, to interact with the user and easily generate credentials to access the Deutsche Telekom footprint.

The Universal Wifi Access solution offers a personalized, efficient experience. After accredited credentials have been uploaded to the DT authorization server, users retrieve their access codes or credentials directly on their devices. 

The service also incorporates fraud protection, as consumption, as well as the number of sessions and devices for each digital credential, can be controlled.

The solution will also enable service providers to deliver access to Deutsche Telekom’s European in-flight footprint, including to the European Aviation Network (EAN) later this year. EAN is a unique solution providing high-performance broadband Wifi on airplanes above Europe. EAN combines S-band satellite technology from Inmarsat with a LTE-based ground network supplied by Deutsche Telekom.

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