DE-CIX Madrid connected capacity rises by 145%

DE-CIX Madrid connected capacity rises by 145%

During 2017, DE-CIX Madrid became the fastest growing internet exchange globally with connected capacity increasing by 145%.

The platform connected over 100 networks by the end of 2017, customer numbers grew by almost 60 % during the year and the data traffic broke records on a week-to-week basis.

It is becoming clear that the ICT markets are changing radically. More competitors are capitalizing on the internet exchange business model. DE-CIX is well prepared for these changes, which we have achieved by increasing our service portfolio and generating greater value for our customers. This is why DE-CIX is growing from a peering platform to a global interconnection company, offering a new world of interconnection services,” comments Harald A Summa, CEO of DE-CIX.

DE-CIX Frankfurt strengthened its global position as the flagship internet exchange with a 38% growth in 100 GE ports, resulting in a 23% increase in connected capacity – bringing the exchange up to a staggering 27.79 Tbit. The world’s record of peak traffic at any Internet Exchange was broken by DE-CIX three times in 2017, reaching 6+ Tbit/s at the end of the year. DE-CIX’s broad customer base also rose 7%, bringing the total number to nearly 800 in Frankfurt alone. Other German DE-CIX internet exchanges in Hamburg

During the same year the DE-CIX internet exchanges in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, as well as in North America, increased its consolidated global customer growth by close to 14 % with more than 1,230 customers. The growth drove an overall connected capacity of 34 Terabits (Tbit), a 30% spike from 2016. Global customers’ increased bandwidth needs was recognizable in the 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports addition, which doubled to more than 200 ports worldwide.

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