As part of a new wholesale fibre portfolio the company is offering range of fibre offers to the French wholesale market, enabling B2B carriers to provide adapted fibre-based solutions to its enterprise customers.
“As a driver on the wholesale telecom market, our ambition is to pave the way for fibre migration for business premises located in France,” explains Antoine Fournier, CEO of Kosc Telecom.
As part of its offering, Kosc Telecom has created a number of solutions as an option for customers who previously couldn’t afford fibre.
Last month, Kosc began accepting offers for the new fibre service called Fibre Professionnelle. Kosc originally launched its wholesale offering when it signed a wholesale access agreement with Orange back in August 2017. At the time Kosc said that it would look to start offering its own set of fibre services in early 2018, making this announcement in time for its deadline.
By the end of July 2018 the French carrier will also launch E-Access Fibre, a complementary offer to its existing Best Effort Fibre. While Best Effort Fibre offers bandwidths of up to 1Gbps in download and 250 Mbps in upload speeds, E-Access Fibre will ensure guaranteed symmetrical bandwidth. The solution is compliant with MEF standards and is ideal for providing local access solutions to international carriers with region connectivity needs in France.
Kosc Telecom has implemented its connectivity-as-a-service (CaaS) model with an e-portal available through web services using Extranet & APIs. The e-portal gives customers control over their back-end administration. In addition, its customers can check service eligibility, recieve offers, place, follow and modify their orders, launch diagnosis on their service and access Kosc customer service all from a single user interface.
“We offer to the wholesale business market innovative services that are reliable, traceable, automated and transparent and above all, easy to use,” continued Fournier.
In total Kosc Telecom has approximately 20,000 km of broadband and fibre optic infrastructure covering all of mainland France. In the summer of 2017, Kosc signed a long-term agreement with Orange to co-invest in a nationwide fibre local loop infrastructure.