Cinia, Megaport partner to deliver Nordics direct cloud connectivity

Cinia, Megaport partner to deliver Nordics direct cloud connectivity

Megaport has continued its expansion plans in Europe with a new partnership with Finnish service provider Cinia.

The global network-as-a-service (NaaS) provider and Cinia Oy, a creator of intelligent connectivity and software solutions, have partnered to enable enterprises with direct access to leading cloud service providers (CSPs) and extend Cinia’s network services reach.

“The core tenet of Megaport is making connectivity easy. We overcome barriers to entry for cloud adoption by making it easy to get connected directly to cloud, managed, and network service providers. This enables scalability, consistent performance, and bandwidth optimisation that helps reduce total cost of ownership,” said Vincent English, chief executive officer of Megaport.

“Our software-defined network empowers enterprises to architect multi-cloud and hybrid cloud connectivity. For maximum ease of use, customers can order services in real-time via our portal or through our API. Our partnership with Cinia enables Finnish enterprises with direct cloud access via Cinia’s robust national and international network. Cinia is an agile industry-leading service provider and we are proud to partner with them to elevate connectivity options in Finland.”

Cinia has leveraged Megaport’s global SDN as a part of its cMatrix service, a customer-specific direct connect solution that bypasses the internet and gives enterprises direct access to CSPs and the data centres in Europe where CSPs enable their services. Enterprises will access Megaport’s ecosystem of over 250 service providers including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud with high capacity and low latency through Cinia’s C-Lion1 subsea cable, the most direct route from Finland to Central and West Europe.

“We partnered with Megaport because connectivity is a key factor when accessing public cloud services and their solution, combined with our footprint in the Nordics, addresses a clear demand,” added Taneli Vuorinen, SVP, Cinia. “The majority of data centres that house public CSPs for European customers are located in Central and Western Europe. This does not account for enterprises that can be over a thousand kilometres away and creates challenges in terms of latency. We wanted to deliver an option for customers to access direct connectivity to cloud services and give them the autonomy to dial these connections up and down as their business demands require it. As such, partnering with Megaport was the natural decision.”

Megaport was recently in the news for launching its ‘virtual router’ to interconnect clouds.

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