The platform operates via dedicated 10-Gig ports and provides its customer’s high-capacity, private access to a secure community of carriers, public and private cloud providers, exchanges as well as a variety of IT Infrastructure providers. Through the platform customers can automatically connect securely to any community member through the online MetroIX portal, select the desired service from the member and initiate the service delivery.
Commenting on the launch, Daniel Legault, president of Metro Optic, said: “Through a simple port, our customers can access critical IT and cloud services without touching the public internet. This dramatically enhances reliability, security and the cost of doing business globally.”
Member services range from simple connectivity (10Meg-10Gig links), to Internet (IP transit), cloud access (private & public), backup services, DDoS protection, hosted applications (productivity suites), VoIP and many more.
In addition, Metro Optic also offers access to MetroIX on dedicated fibre to corporate and third-party data centers in the Montreal and Toronto areas.