Nokia launches ‘petabit-scale’ router with own silicon

Nokia launches ‘petabit-scale’ router with own silicon

Nokia says it has speeded up internet switching sixfold by developing a router that can work at 576Tbps.

The company announced this morning in San Francisco what it calls the industry’s first petabit-class router, which uses its own silicon that works at 2.4Tbps. A petabit is 1,000 terabits.

“We’re seeing a significant change in how networks are built,” Steve Vogelsang, Nokia’s CTO for IP and optical networks, told Capacity, “so we need new technology to build these networks, and we need a new routing platform.”

Nokia described the development as “the ‘next chapter’ of the internet”, which will include “immersive communications, the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence/automation”.

Vogelsang said these changes were driving traffic between data centres, that is growing “faster than the internet itself”. In addition, 5G mobile and the IoT are “creating massive new challenges”.

He said the new devices and platforms “are our design all the way down to the silicon level”. He added: “We can get terabit speeds in a single interface.”

The new products will be available at the end of 2017, said Vogelsang.

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